Founding partners
UH360 works together with our founding partners to Take Action through strategic development in key areas and projects on the ground.
Evidence for Sustainable Human Development Systems (EVIHDAF)
West & Central Africa; Evaluation Research & Outcomes Assessments.

Women’s Economic Imperative (WEI)
Women and girls; gender intersectionality.

Center for Urban Health Development (CUHD)
Program to policy on issues related to health and determinants of health in the Subcontinent of India.
Action partners
UH360 works together with our action partners to Take Action by working on projects on the ground and through the integration of data platforms.
World Telehealth Initiative
West & Central Africa; Evaluation Research & Outcomes Assessments.

Ebonyi State University
Health Systems; Health Governance; Neglected Tropical Diseases – Africa.

Eminence Associates for Social Development

Precious Gems Charity UK
Community engagement in Africa.

Bolton Community Development Partnership
City of Manchester.

CenHealth Digital Technologies
Health Information Systems.

University of Manchester Urban Institute

Global Health Sig University of Lancaster